Featured Products

  • SSC Fido Dido Cap Design
    SSC Fido Dido Cap Thumbnail
  • SSC 75th Ladies Polo Design
    SSC 75th Ladies Polo Thumbnail
  • SSC 75th Unisex Hoody Design
    SSC 75th Unisex Hoody Thumbnail
  • SSC 75th Ladies Softshell Bodywarmer Design
    SSC 75th Ladies Softshell Bodywarmer Thumbnail
  • SSC 75th Men's T-shirt Design
    SSC 75th Men's T-shirt Thumbnail
* prices inc.VAT (if applicable)

Welcome to Stone Sailing Club Shop

Stone Sailing Club have been working with ‘The Old Salt Loft’ to produce a range of clothing which are now available to order from this Webshop. 

Any purchase you make helps SSC as 10% of the sale price goes straight into Club funds. 


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